Monday, July 31, 2006

jet airways vs singapore airlines

from bombay to delhi, i took jet airways (domestic only - a'la airasia kot tapi takde aa mcm seat bas). funny thing is, diorang serve baskin robbins! even singapore airlines (kul - bom) pun serve ice-cream walls je. advance jugak airline india ni. hermmm... but still the "smell" is there la


bila nak check out from taj on sunday, i was shocked to see the total. luckily dah increase credit card sblm dtg sini, kalau tak, cuci pinggan seumur hidup pun belum tentu dpt cover balik. (lepas dah convert dalam MYR, baru kurang sikit terkejutnya. hehe)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

what a bad start in delhi

i am so damn pissed off with the level of ineffiency in how the ppl in India handle their matters. i was told that the driver will come and picked me up at the hotel by 8am. so there i was by 8.00 sharp waiting at the hotel lobby, but there was no sign of the driver. called his mobile (the driver supposedly assigned to me), but he sounded so blurred and murmured some alien words (mind you guys, when speaking to the drivers - be it public cab or company's official ones - only 2 out of 20 words uttered are comprehensible. the rest... goodluck!). eventually by 8.20 only was i told by the secretary that another driver is picking me up, and it'll take 20mins before he reach the hotel. WTF! eventually, only by 9am did the driver arrived. took me 30 mins to reach office (which is now i.e. 9.30am), only to be told that the secretary (by name of Lynette) is not in yet (apparently she's caught up in the traffic) so i was asked to wait another 30 mins (means 10am??!).

sigh. am i being unreasonable to be mad at these ppl?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

masakan (err.. makanan) paling sedap kat mumbai

beberapa malam lepas aku malas nak turun makan, dan takde mood nak dine-in, so aku beli roti dan bukak salah satu bekalan makanan dari mesia. best gile! kalau ada org nak jual tuna ni kat mumbai for rm20 setin pun sanggup beli. huhuuuu i miss malaysia again.

a true inspiration

last couple of days i heard the news abt rodek passing his level 1 cfa.

that, i must say, is truly an achievement, especially given the fact that he does not come from an accounting, let alone financial, background ( dia amik marketing kat mmu dulu kan?)

cfa tu macam... supposed to be the next step after acca for accounting/finance professionals, kalau nak (and berani) amik aa.

anyway, kudos to rodek n yaya yg dah pass 1st level cfa. kalau tanya aku pun aku tak berani amik (plus malas nak belaja dah pun ada gak).

kamon ppl... from now on we should all commit to true professionalism n self development, so that one day kita semua berada dlm one mnc (slb ke shell ke intel ke) dan masing2 pegang the highest mgmt posts - sbb masing2 ada expertise masing2 kan hehe. senang buat keroje.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Aku tgh lepak2 ngan ricardo outside the shop where tio n irina are doing their shopping:

R: I think most of the people here are gay.
M: Really? Why do you think so?
R: You can see for your self, how the men like to touch each other in public even in day time.
M: Hahaha. I think they are just not self-conscious about physical contact, just like the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis (dalam hati – bengong betul brazilian ni).

Tiba-tiba aku terpk, who knows what other parts they might be touching when the night falls. Haha. Hurmmm… well, maybe they are just bisex, Ricardo.

Kena pau

Aku kena pau dgn polis india yg jaga a’la makam pahlawan. Shite. Dah la diorang ada 6 org. Kepada korg2 yg berniat nak melawat india – jaga2. Just abide by the written law. Kalau ada officers yg ajak kau masuk tpt2 terlarang kononnya as a special treatment to selected ppl etc, maksudnya diorang nak mintak tips lah tu. Aku dah kena, and it served me a good lesson, I won’t fall for that again.

p/s: ini gamba aku dan polis bastard. diorang lure aku utk masuk ke "taman terlarang" kononnya "you can take some photos from very nice angles", pastu lepas dah amik gambar ramai2 kerumun aku mintak tips.

Proses pengindiaan

Sampai2 je kat gate of india, ada beberapa orang tua bwk mcm2 alat pelik datang pegang tangan aku, ikat benang kuning/merah kat tgn aku, bagi kekwa, beberapa biji gula batu, pastu meNANDEKkan aku! WTF!!! Pastu mintak sedekah. Aiyoyo. Nasib aku 10 rupee dlm poket.

p/s: aku tak sanggup nak upload gambar dahi kena nandek.


Petang ahad, kitorang (except manoj who’s with his family) jalan2 ke Gate of India, the historic Taj Mahal Hotel, Victoria Terminus, and Masjid Hj Ali (tgk dari jauh, tak turun pun):

Meet Ricardo, Tio, Nik and Irina! We were posing in front of the famous Gate of India.

A perfect Sunday morning

Sunday, 23 July 2006 – there can be no better Sunday morning than waking up early on a cozy king-size bed in a 5-star deluxe hotel room <>, head to gym, sauna with loccitane lotion all over body, then naked jacuzzi <> (alone of course, jgn sapa2 tanya soalan ni) and buffet bfast. (lagi best kalau kat perkataan <> itu digantikan dgn “next to my significant other” hehe – dlm case kita, applicable utk ain & zul sahaja)

Along the beach

Saturday, 22 June 2006 petang, aku took a brisk walk along the beach from Taj dengan satu misi – amik gambar rumah Salman Khan. Cuba teka yg mana satu rumah dia:

Kalau korg pandai mcm aku, sure korg teka rumah coklat kat blkg tu. Well.. fellow geniuses, we were wrong. Rumah salman khan yg kaler putih tu. Tapi mcm tak caya la. Mungkin ni rumah hinggap dia je kot.

Nampaknye misi pagi ni bukan setakat amik gambar rumah salman khan, tapi jugak bollywood stars-wannabe yg duk bertenet kat pantai depan rumah salman khan tu. And believe me, this is only one of berpuluh2 couple yg sedang bertenet di bwh hujan renyai2 tu.

And aku nampak org mancing!!! Arrgghhhh I miss malaysia (err… kelantan to be exact – since this involves subject yg agak conservative)

new image...

Saturday, 22 June 2006 noon - Stranded kat hotel sbb hujan lebat gile hari ni, aku terpikir utk tuka hairstyle lagi sekali (since I dislike my current hair style i.e. the one I got in KL right before flying off last weekend). So gals n guys, check out the new Mafus in town yeah yeah!!

Aku nak gi barber kat luar, tapi since ujan lebat gile sampaikan kalau Sam jalan2 kat luar hotel sure dia diterbangkan angin, aku gunting kat salon hotel for INR315. Mahal la kot utk sekadar menggunting rambut a’la “Nombor 2 ya, macha”, tapi takpe aku puas hati sbb dpt massage kepala yg best

Saturday, July 22, 2006

teaser pics

here's what i see everyday from my room...

and can you believe this is the only standard that hilton can manage in mumbai? hehe.. i think it's a local shop, didnt bother to check out what exactly this hilton is.

Friday, July 21, 2006

balik liwat.. i mean, lewat

petang semalam (jumaat) we need to call the audit manager in houston to give the first weekly update. and due to time diff between mumbai n houston, we had t0 wait till 7pm before making the teleconf (bukan teleconverse ya zainal), which means 8.30am houston time. dem it. badan aku dah sejuk gile babi though aircond dah switch off completely. finally the call was thru n update completed by 8.30pm, balik hotel, ingat nak gi klinik, tanya reception "where's the nearest hospital" "we will call our doctor to your room" terasa poyolah pulak sampai kena panggil doctor "do you have a painkiller like panadol or sthg? maybe i take those first n i will see the doctor if dont get better tomorrow" "we have magadol sir, it's equivalent of panadol" takutnya aku dgr nama2 alien camni. hurmmm cemana yerk "yeah i'll take those magadol" sampai bilik aku call slb's medic kat delhi and ask for their advise "yeah you can take 2 magadols at an interval of one hour but if the situation persists please ask the hotel to call the doctor".

sabtu, bangun pagi, felt much better (demam wise, diarrhea still there but not so bad) went to gym (dah lama sial tak gi haha) then by 10.00am gi bfast. ingat nak gi office by 11am (org lain dah pegi since 8am - freak kerja!) but its raining freaking heavily outside. mcm nak taufan aje. yeah perhaps because we r surrounded by ocean thats what. apa2lah. aku pun dtg biz center dan mengupdate blog ni.

owh... lepas ni aku taruk gambar.

jawaban komentar

selama beberapa hari aku kat sini, aku nggak bisa bukak, cuma boleh bukak aje, sampai lah harini baru bleh bukak (network provider india ban apa2 site yg kutuk diorang kot).

so di post ini aku ingin menjawab komentar2 kalian:

ah - sangatlah familiar kan. tapi rodek kata taraf form 2. haha. literature aku mmg taraf form 2 pun.
sam - mmg byk soalan kau.
satu2 ye. kenapa mordor? herm. sbb aku teringat ada satu line dlm lotr (tak sure samwise gamgee ke or frodo yg ckp) "mordor, the one place that no creature wants to go, but yet that's where we are going" or sthg to the like.
yaaa betulll... dilwale.. haa mamat yg duk sblh aku mmg ada ciri2 mcm tu lah. bapak yg tegas dan garang
embarkation form tu ilang lepas dah chop la. tu yg glabah skit. and yes, aku agree lepas 6 mggu kat sini sure aku pun dah ckp berbelit2 sikit.
tio sangatlah bukan seorang yg kurus. ricardo - separuh ketinggian carlos solis okei.
aniza - euwww ke windu ct? well lepas aku tgk vidclip dia duk sblh datuk k tu mmg terasa "euww" la. kesian dia... and i was expecting "dirty talks" sbnrnya, tapi tampaknya kau lebih bertatasusila daripada aku pantas menggunakan "obscene"
sam & zurratulain - yer aku dah amik beberapa gambar diorang guna hp cam (sbb curi2) tapi baru perasan aku lupa bawak bluetooth usb tu. so tak dapek nak transfer ke pc (ada sapa2 tau cemana nak tx file from hp ke pc other than gigibiru [quote sam] dan cable?). tunggu lah maybe masa melawat tpt2 tourists sunday ni aku ambik guna cam sbnr.
baulugoreng - mcm yg aku ckp di atas. hehe. nway u seems to know a lot more abt brazilian stuff than me. pernah jadi samba dancer ke? *wink*wink*


it was around 4.30pm when i started to feel cold. in fact, very2 cold. after that interview i straight away went back to our conference room.

aku: do you guys feel cold? (soalan yg agak bodoh memandangkan irina memakai baju yg aku kira seksi)
tio&irina: nope!
irina: i feel that it's even warmer now than before.

damn. does this have anything to do with my diarrhea this morning (which i still have minorly). owhhh why do i have to be so vulnerable when am outside malaysia (i think i fell sick when i was in cambodia too)

owh, i havent said this - i realized now that i think more than half of the population here are goodlooking (gals and yes guys alike - i havent seen the mixture of both though)


aku bangun pukul 6.30am pagi tadi dgn terasa senak yg amat... (dalam perut la mana lagi). shit la, is this indian diarrhea? i know i have been eating lotsa indian food uncontrollably during lunch (def not during bfast n dinner when i have the option not to) (alert - prejudice terhadap komuniti india). lepas beberapa kali pergi ke bank of tokyo, aku rasa sdkt lega dan turun bfast.

nasib baik tio ada pil chi kit teck aun.

aku: u have this in jakarta as well?
tio: apanya? pil yang kayak tahi kambing itu? nggak, my housemate (in perth, he's a chindian from malaysia) gave this to me. he said am gonna need this in india.
what a smart housemate. i should have thought abt it n brought extra pil chi kit teck aun. and yes, they do look like tahi kambing, however effective they r in making my stomach feel much better.

dah tgh hari. aku gi smayang jumaat (syukurrrr hehe) ngan a manager from malaysia (yeay... first time jumpa malaysian, namanya pak syahril bukan syamsul) and a few otehrs... one guy from indo n another from libya.

masjid daif gile. kalau korg pernah pegi masjid2 kat patani or selatan thailand, ha mcm tu la, tapi 50% lebih daif. insaf sekejap hehe.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ma'am dan bicara jorok...

Satu perbualan sewaktu sarapan di meja makan sebuah cafe di hotel di Bandra, Bombay:

Waiter: Here's your coffee ma'am.
Irina: Thank you.
(selepas waiter berlalu)
Irina: I hate it when people call me "Ma'am". It makes me feel like a 50-year old auntie.
Me & Tio: Hahaha.

Saruman - *sigh* american/russian...


Dalam perjalanan ke ofis, perbualan antara dua orang akauntan, masing-masing dari indonesia dan malaysia:

Tio: Kamu lihat bangunannya di sini jorok-jorok bangat ya?
Me: Jorok tu ape?
Tio: Eh, Malaysia enggak ada jorok? Jorok itu kotor.
Me: Ooo. Kat mana lagi boleh pakai jorok tu?
Tio: Bicara jorok...
(selepas beberapa second)
Me: Hahahahahaha.

Saruman - Sapa bleh teka the english equivalence for "bicara jorok" aku bagi 50 sen.

i know

i know now why i felt so terrible yesterday. yeah india is not so bad after all. i was just having homesick (uwerkhh... malu sial.. booo) . no, really. i miss everything n anything abt malaysia. anything that sounds or looks malaysian. i even miss siti nurhaliza suddenly (not that i have met her though). but that was yesterday. am good now.

weekend ni nak jalan2. victoria terminal, gate of india. yeay.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the no malaysian land

oh, lupa nak tambah, semlm masa lunch di kantin, org yg beratur depan aku ada iras2 org melayu, so dgn tak malunya aku menegur (ya, aku mmg tak malu dlm trip ni - sangatnya berbeda dgn mahfudz di malaysia ya) . apparently dia indonesian, so agak kecewa. haha. but i learned from him that there's a malaysian guy in this bombay base. (aku by now dah terlupa apa nama mamat indonesian itu)

pagi tadi terjumpa dia lagi masa bfast (apparently he's staying in the same hotel with ours', temporarily before slb get him a permanent accommodation), dia tanya "sudah ketemu pak shamsul (the malaysian manager)?" aku cakap "belum pak, belum ketemu lagi".

aku taktau lah berjumpa pak shamsul itu will improve anything or not. nah thats ok. situation is not as bad as yesterday's.

oh, aku mendapat byk indonesian songs mp3 dari tio. bagus jugak. layan lah kan. afterall, bukanlah alien sgt utk telinga2 kita - ungu, peterpan, radja etc. dan pagi tadi ricardo bagi aku n tio dgr ipod dia - brazilian songs. best jugak siot. dia ckp "let's find and go to a brazilian club this weekend". cant wait to have a glass of coke while 'layaning' brazilian songs this weekend.

a real-bad day

17 july 2006 - arrived in hotel from office at about 6.30pm. since i hv jamak asar prayer
with zuhur in the office, terus tukar pakaian dan terjun ke kolam renang (oh, aku dah
terinfluence untuk berbahasa indonesia, semuanya gara2 tio. mana taknya, sampai arini [i.e.
wed 19th] tak jumpa sorg malaysian lagi pun, kecuali masa makan kat chi restaurant aritu
dari jauh aku dgr suara ckp bahasa kl tapi tgh borak on the phone). lepas berenang2 itik
(sbb aku tak reti berenang manusia), naik n dinner with tio kat hotel restaurant nama PURE. i think it's a fusion restaurant. makanan mahal mcm nak gile. satu meal dalam INR1050 (around rm90 i guess), dessert sepinggan kecik pun dah INR500 (dlm rm35). tiba2 aku cuak - what if slb tanak cover semua meal claim aku? what if they slash the amount? mati la aku. (next morning i asked irina and she said its ok as long as semua ada resit - kusss semangat) lepas makan, balik dan tido.

18 july 2006 - definitely a bad day for me. pagi interview the person in-charge for the area
that i covered (sbb slb freak gile pasal p&c etc kan, kena ckp cover2 la, boring betul).
interview went on for 3 hrs. dah lama gile tak conduct audit interview sampaikan aku dah pening2 lepas abis tu. then went str8 to hv lunch at the canteen - definitely indian food, but this time aku amik semua makanan yg dia serve taruk dlm tray dan makan. surprisingly habis! adakah aku sudah terasimilasi ke dalam komuniti ini? tidak pasti. lepas lunch aku samung buat keje, but by this time aku dah takde mood gile2, miss my home country so badly... all abt this place seems not right... semuanya tak best... it sucks... really i feel like boarding the next
flight home.. dont care abt work anymore.. dont care abt anything... definitely will reject
any oversea posting if slb is to offer me one (unless it's a place where i can earn a pay in
currency far stronger than rm say japan yen, gbp, euro or at least usd - sangatlah mata

blah dari ofis kul 6.30 ptg, tah apesal sumer org mcm bersemangat buat kerja takde sapa
sebut pasal nak balik. tension betul aku. nasib baik at abt 6.20 manoj tanya "what time are
we leaving?" aku dgn cepat menyampuk "i dont mind leaving anytime soon, say in 5 or 10
mins?" diorang yg lain pun dgn agak reluctantly menjawab "ok".

traffic from office to hotel sangat teruk. jamm gile babi sampai hotel dah almost 7.30pm.
(today 19/7 i heard it was because there was some ceremony held in remembrance of those
killed in 11/7 mumbai blast). the bad traffic definitely added more frustration to my
already bad feeling abt this place.

dinner ngan all 4 this time - tio manoj n ricardo but not irina. buffet. mahal gak, tapi aku
dah less concerned. diorang minum king fisher a local beer. aku minum air suam. wlpn diorang
order king fisher jugak utk aku. haha.

lepas tu terus balik tidur.

19 july 2006 - today def feel much better. aku akan sambung buat kerja dgn semangat.
oh, aku tau travel log ini takde gambar. aku ada amik some gambar guna camera phone (terasa
poyo kalau nak amik gambar guna camera sbnr), tapi aku tak pasti aku bawak bluetooth device
ke tak utk transfer file from phone to laptop. i hope i did. nanti aku check.

nak start buat kerja.


Monday, July 17, 2006

departure to the land of the d...

(log bermula 15 july 2006, approx 5pm) My whole family excluding an exceptional few who couldnt make it sent me off at the klia. on the way to immigration past the security gate, and i heard a "pweeet" from the other side. it was halim! mcm tak percaya. told them to just "melambai2 dari rumah masing or perhaps taman klcc" but there they were - halim sam munir and aniza. after some chit chatting i went past the immigration, boarded the train, at the boarding gate made a few last calls, then off i went into the sia sq117. from kul to sin there was no food served. only orange juice. the weather was not so good so the plane was made to land a bit later than scheduled. hasilnya, when i landed in spore, i was made to rush my way to the sin-bom gate immediately (siot lah. the reason why i took sia is just to look around kat changi airport yg haznita kata best sangat tu. tapi nak tgk apa kalau pegi gate sin-bom pun berlari2), and told that bcos of the flight delay fm kl, there's a chance that my checked-in luggage tak sempat nak flown together on the same flight with me to bom. assured that it will be flown out in the immediate next flight out of sin to bom, i was not totally happy but realized there's lil that i can do but just hope.

masa nak boarding sin-bom tu pun ada sorg staff sia ckp "ur colleage is looking for u" aku terpk "sapa plak colleague aku yg nak gi india ni" pastu baru teringat the MA from australia is boarding the same flight with me.

on board sin-bom sia sq424, food was good. had fish with rice and a few other nice stuff. masa nak duduk tu, the indian guy sitting next to me (in his mid 40s) told me to keep my laptop bag in the compartment overhead, tapi aku just keep my laptop bag in the compartment under the seat cos i thought of using the laptop later during the flight. mamat tu dah pandang cam tak puas hati. aku terasa pakcik tu sebijik mcm bapak kajol dlm citer apatah yg bagi burung makan tu "kuurrrr, kurrr" sambil diajuk oleh shah rukh khan. ah pedulik. aku tgk kriss in-flight entertainment punye magazine, ada byk gak movie selection. ada "basic instinct 2" tapi malu nak tgk (hi hi hi) so tgk "v for vendetta". lama gak citer tu. and sgt best. end up aku tido 1 jam je out of the 5.5 hr flight.

sampai kat bom kul 12am. lewat 1.5 hrs dari sepatutnye i.e. 10.30pm. bile nak turun, terserempak dgn sorg mamat yg aku rasa mcm tio yg dari aust tu (indonesian sbnrnya, tapi based kat aust). nasib baik betul kalau tak malu saja. dia in his early 30s so ala2 sebaya la. lepas kuar immigration (surprisingly cepat je lepas) aku pi la cari org sia staff utk tanya pasal bag. dia ckp dia takde terima further msg from sin for perhaps bag aku sampai sekali. so aku pun pi la cari kat belt. tiba2 aku perasan embarkation form aku takde dlm passport. shit! gelabah gak aa cari. last2 based on advise from security guards, aku pi balik kat immigration counter and fill in a fresh form. immigration2 tu dgn selamba jer stamp takde masalah. dah la salah stamp (instead of stamp kat arrival dia stamp kat departure). aku tanya "takpa ke ni" diorang sambil tergelak2 cakap "u dont worry about it" apa lah baik tak payah ada form kalau tak implement betul2.
luggage jln kat belt slow gile. byk gile intervals. dekat sejam gak baru semua abis. aku tak nampak gak beg aku jalan. so aku pi kat pompuan sia tu balik cakap beg aku tak kuar. dlm ati "sial la esok takde baju nak pakai". pompuan tu ckp "cuba tgk kat ujung tu ada some unclaimed bags yg dah kuar earlier on" (of course dia ckp omputih la kan). nasib baik beg aku ada situ.
sejam gak aa kat airport. kuar airport dah kul 1am. ada driver hotel tunggu. borak2 sikit2 dgn driver hotel tu along the way to hotel. dia ckp kat mumbai bleh lawat gate of india, masjid haji ali etc. sampai kat hotel dah 1.30am kot. ok la 5 star deluxe. wlpn aku sure hyatt regency yg dkt airport tu lagi superb. hotel yg ni nama dia taj lands end, reason sbb dia kat a'la tanjung (hujung) and surrounded by ocean. check in, aku dpt pool view. floor 11 tapi rendah gile mcm 1st floor je. floor 1-10 takde kat lift. pelik betul. takkan la suwei numbers diorang byk sgt kot. 13 pun takde (understandable lah kan, konon omputih abis aa).

anyway, lepas masuk bilik, aku unpack, then antar dobi sebyk mungkin. pastu tido dlm 2.30am.
pagi dlm 7.30am, tio call tanye aku nak bfast ke tak. aku pun bgn, mandi, then terus turun. ingatkan dia dah ada kat bwh. rupanya takde. aku pun makan2, tetiba dia turun. rasa bersalah lak sbb tak ajak turun. mana nak tau, ingat kau tu dah turun. nway, lepas makan, tio ajak pegi stroll along the beach jap, tgk some of the indians living along the stony beach. mandi kat luar camtu aje. benda warna coklat pun bertompok2 atas batu2 kat situ. insaf skjp aku. diorang toilet pun takde. malaysia punye la kaya nak banding dgn umat2 kat sini. lepas lepak beach, pi business center, tanya info pasal town sikit2, katne nak jalan2 (mamat tio ni sporting gak, nak jalan2 kat town la, nak cari hard rock cafe la padahal baru first day, aku mengikut jer la). so kitorang pun kuar naik rikhsa or tuktuk (a'la tuktuk thailand la tapi kecik lagi kot). 20 rupee je sehala (dlm rm2 la). punye la kecik tpt yg kitorang pegi tu aku rasa town gua musang lagi besar kot haha. maybe i went to wrong side of town. ada la satu dua kedai yg locals panggil shopping mall tapi bagi aku mcm kamdar aje. nama dia globus. brg branded agak sama harga dgn elsewhere so aku tak tertarik except for some undergarments brand tak dikenali. balik hotel, have buffet lunch (worth 1450 rupee, approx rm140 mahal gile sial) tapi makanan sedap tak hingat dunia la siap ada choc fountain lagi. nasib baik ada sorg cafe manager ni yg assure aku daging diorang sumer guna halal meat, so aku balun la. ada oyster gak.

lepas dah makan, naik atas tido. agree ngan tio nak either gym or swim ptg tu by 5pm, tapi bgn2 dah 6.30pm, itupun tio call kejut. (btw, bagus juga ada mamat indon ni, we quickly got acquainted maybe because agak sebaya dan dia pun layan je music/club/minum dan semua benda yg org muda kat aust buat. mula2 spekong semata2, last2 by sunday nite dah campur aduk english/malay/indo). nway, lepas bgn 6.30pm, kitorang pi lepak jap kat beach, then naik hotel makan kat chinese restaurant (irony betul makan chinese kat india). makanan dia sedap jugak siot. harga pun boleh tahan 900rupee=rm90 sorg. takper makan mahal2 slb bayar. ituler pasal sapa suruh tak bagi fixed allowance kan aku dah balun abis2an.

lepas makan dlm 10pm, bwk laptop pi bilik tio dan online guna slb punye network. buat keje tax comp yg tertangguh. by 11.30pm mamat tu dah berdengkur dgn kuatnya. aku amatlah bersyukur slb doesnt make its staff to share room. kalau tak gile aku jadinye tiap2 malam kena dgr snoring yg kuat itu. by 12pm aku dah siap compose email utk tak comp tu, then cabut balik bilik. baca buku "speak louder darling" kejap, then dozed off.

bangun pagi tadi kul 6.15am (awal sial), siap2, then baca OFM jap, prepare aa nak buat audit cuak gak siot. kul 7.30 turun bfast, kul 8am sorg mamat yg look like manoj turun, aku pun dgn selamba tegur, again nasib baik tak salah org, dia pun join meja kitorang. then tgh makan tu, irina turun (cantik sial irina ni serious tak tipu, mengukuhkan pegangan aku bahawa org russia semua cantik2, mata besar kulit perfect, tapi dia nampak agak aged la dlm 40s kot). tak lama lepas tu mamat brazilian ricardo tu join. apparently flight diorang delay lagi teruk. supposed 10.30pm sunday, tapi sampai dah kul baper n diorang checked in only at 4am this morning.
lepas bfast naik keter pi slb ofis. buruk sial office/building ni nothing compared to rohas perkasa. on the way to office pun menunjukkan bombay ni mmg bandar yg agak kotor, takde bangunan tinggi. korg bleh imagine aa sbijik mcm dlm movie tamil tu. and again, aku tak dpt tgk any nice place to visit (prejudice siot).

masa lunch, makan kat kantin slb bersama2 staff2 lain. tak payah bayar, tulis nama je. makanan pun sumer pure indian food. baru aku tau penangan indian food sbnr, duk hotel duk sentuh international meals je indian food tak pandang pun. pedas siot indian food ni. pastu aku tanye sorg staff, daging (mutton) yg kantin guna ni halal tak, dia pun ask around the kantin dan while yg lain sume geleng taktau, tiba2 sorg mamat ni confiden cakap "yes" sambil menggelengkan kepala sikit (paham2 la kan bangsa ni, yes geleng no pun geleng).

aku pun dgn pasrahnya dan baca bismillah terus suap. sedap juga rasanya. tapi ada byk menda2 alien yg aku tatau apa nama (sumer vege based aa so halal aa hopefully) tapi aku mamah juga. ricardo, irina and tio sumer terkulat2 je makan, manoj je yg berselera sah2 ini negara dia (btw dia ni asal dari cochin so lagi remote aaa, tapi konon dah moden sbb keje lama kat dubai).
dekat2 kul 4, sukar jugak cari tpt smayang kat ofis ni. nasib baik ada sorg muslim staff nama sayid yg tunjuk tempat dia slalu smayang i.e. tkt atas sekali yg a'la store. nasib ada worker bersihkan sikit2.

kerja wise, aku go thru some matrix and questions n icq related to area yg aku nak cover, and set appointment ngan person in charge tmrw morning. aku tanak interview dia today cos aku tak confident n nak run thru those questions n doc requested with tio mlm ni (dia lagi experienced aa dari aku sbb dia ma dan dah keje slb 4 yrs including jakarta n perth). checked with irina n apparently sumer org kena tentively conduct exit meeting by 16th (tues), so perhaps 17th dah line clear utk jalan2.

ok aa... today diorang nak balik awal (5.45pm) sbb irina n ricardo tak cukup tido. aku set aje bleh pi swimming or gym later. hopefully takyah dinner aa tonite tapi tio mcm seorang yg takleh skip dinner jer.

so, 1st entry travel log ini berhenti di sini, 5.40pm monday 17 july 2006.